a summation of my recent thoughts and experiences
on turkey sandwiches for Thanksgiving- I made them, and they were delicious.
on Christmas lists- I told my mother-in-law that I wanted a blender, houseplants, and striped socks. After texting that to her, I realized how much of a old lady I am. But I’m okay with that.
on music- I am so thankful for it. Music really warms my soul and lifts me up. I’m currently listening to music by NeedtoBreathe and really enjoying it.
(the above picture has nothing to do with any of my thoughts)
on kids and what comes out of their mouths– one of my children asked me a question in public this past week that caused another mom in the company to have to take her 4th grade son home and explain female anatomy.
oh. my. stars.
on motherhood- I’ve quit 3 times since last Thursday
on motherhood- I really really love my kids