Great news is that Nathaniel is doing really well with his treatments! (If you haven’t followed the blog to know Nathaniel’s story, you can read about it here and here.) His mom and dad, Christina and Sean, contacted me about doing some photos since Nathaniel has been feeling so well. We met at a tiny pumpkin patch near their house to do a few photos.
Even though Nathaniel is still undergoing treatment for Leukemia, you’d never know by looking at him that he is sick. He was full of smiles and giggles and it was obvious he was happy to be outside. Keep praying for this little guy! The rough road isn’t over yet, but he is doing really great.
I want to mention how much I admire his parents also. Sean and Christina are positive, hopeful and have shown great strength even though their son has struggled. I applaud them for keeping their heads up and keeping a positive outlook on life.