One of my greatest friends, Catherine.
I first met Catherine about 10 years ago when we worked at a bookstore together. Back then, she called me a “little brat”. Of course, this was her term of endearment towards me, but I can’t say that it wasn’t true. Over the years, our relationship has evolved into an incredible friendship. We have a trust that I don’t have with many other people. She’s a prayer partner, a confidant, and I respect and admire this woman more than words could ever say. I dare you to find another person with more joy and zest for life than Catherine. She lives for Something greater, and I desire the passion she exudes.
Most likely you have seen this video…(hello!? it’s gotten over a half a million views) but just in case you haven’t, I want you to watch! And, I hope after watching, you’ll be inspired. Watch out for Catherine. She’s going to change the world.